
hg8868皇冠下载 is committed to working with landowners along the B2H route to minimize interference with your use of the property during design, 建设, 操作, 以及B2H的维护. Based on your feedback, we might be able to adjust the project’s design and location.

构建, 操作, 维护, 或者进入B2H, we will need to acquire rights-of-way to private property along the project route.



A right-of-way allows hg8868皇冠下载 to use or enter your land for a specified purpose. 皇冠现金盘公司将向土地所有者支付以下费用:

  • 定期访问您的道路或土地
  • Stage materials on your land during 建设
  • Build transmission towers on your property

How does hg8868皇冠下载 acquire a right-of-way?

hg8868皇冠下载 wants to work with landowners to reach right-of-way agreements that satisfy both sides, minimize impacts to you and your property, 并提供公平的补偿. Our company or a contractor typically negotiates the terms of the easement, 包括 rights to use a portion of your land, 限制和补偿, 直接与业主接洽. 在授予皇冠现金盘公司地役权之后, you can use the land in the easement corridor as you wish, as long as you honor the easement’s terms.


You will receive a one-time payment in exchange for access to build part of the power line on your property and subsequently 操作 and 维护 it.  hg8868皇冠下载’s right-of-way agents will negotiate this compensation directly with the landowner.


hg8868皇冠下载 will work with landowners to reduce impacts to agriculture. 例如, we might coordinate the timing of 建设 with you to minimize short-term impacts to your farming work. Most farming activities can continue once the transmission line is in place. Allowable uses inside a right-of-way could include:

  • 收获、放牧和灌溉
  • 临时结构
  • 栅栏
  • 庄稼或田地
  • 路交叉口
  • 木材生产

Even after granting hg8868皇冠下载 a right-of-way, you can restrict general access to your property with fences, 锁或其他设备.


hg8868皇冠下载 will contact you to arrange access to your property before conducting any fieldwork there. Permission to access your property is call “right-of-entry.” It does not constitute your consent to an easement.

Right-of-entry authorizes hg8868皇冠下载 or its contractors to enter your property to conduct required fieldwork, 包括

  • Cultural, biological and archaeological surveys
  • 湿地和杂草清单
  • 岩土工程调查
  • 物业界线测量.

hg8868皇冠下载 will notify you at least 24 hours before arriving at your property.